Mission Number 90


  1. Date: 21 April 1945
  2. Code Name: Bushing # 3
  3. Target: Nittagahara A/F 90.33-2531
  4. Participating Unit: 314th Bombardment Wing
  5. Number A/C Airborne: 23
  6. % A/C Bombing Primary: 95.5% (22 A/C)
  7. Time Over Primary: 210925K - 210934K
  8. Altitude of Attack: 15,000 - 16,500
  9. Weather Over Target: 0/10 - 3/10
  10. Total A/C Lost: 0
  1. Resume of Mission: Bombing results for Missions 74, 81 and 90 include four barracks-type buildings destroyed.  Four other buildings at the edge of the Target northeast of hangars were also destroyed.  There are about six bomb craters in the landing strip on south side of the field.  Field still operational.  One aircraft non-effective.  Enemy air opposition weak - 2 attacks.  AA nil.  Average bomb load 8,845 lbs. Average gas reserve 949 gallons. 





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