Mission Number 97


  1. Date:  26 April 1945
  2. Code Name:  Blowsy #2
  3. Target:  Usa A/F 90.33-1507
  4. Participating Unit:  73rd Bombardment Wing
  5. Number A/C Airborne:  21
  6. % A/C Bombing Primary:  85.7%  (18 primary and 2 Opportunity)
  7. Time Over Primary:  260816K  - 260844K
  8. Altitude of Attack:  15,500 - 26,500
  9. Weather Over Target:  10/10
  10. Total A/C Lost:  0
  11. Resume of Mission:  Bombing results  - unobserved 10/10 undercast.  Enemy air opposition nil.  AA - one crew going below cloud   cover at 7,000 feet reported heavy, meager and inaccurate.  Average bomb load 9,095 lbs.  Average gas reserve 1023 gallons.





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