Mission Number 179


  1. Date:  20/21 May 1945
  1. Code Name:  Starvation #13
  1. Target:  Shimonoseki Straights, He Saki Anchorage, and Maizuru Harbor.
  1. Participating Unit:  313th Bombardment Wing
  1. Number A/C Airborne:  30
  1. % A/C Bombing Primary:  100%
  1. Time Over Primary:  210148K  - 210311K
  1. Altitude of Attack:  5500  - 6600
  1. Weather Over Target:  6/10  -  8/10
  1. Resume of Mission:  Shimonoseki Straits were again re-mined.  Maizuru Harbor was mined a second time.  1 A/C crashed on takeoff, killing 10 crew members.  2 A/C parked near runway demolished by the explosions.  184 Mk-25 Mines laid.  4 A/C landed at Iwo Jima.  12 E/A sighted made 1 attack.  No claims.  Average Mine Load:  12,144 lbs.  Average Fuel Reserve:  802 gallons.





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