Mission Number 297


  1. Date: 28/29 July 1945
  2. Target: Tsu Urban Area
  3. Participating Unit: 58th BW
  4. Number A/C Airborne: 78
  5. % A/C Bombing Primary: 97.43% (76 A/C)
  6. Type of Bombs and Fuzes: E48, 500# incendiary clusters to open 5,000 feet above Target. 
  7. Tons of Bombs Dropped: 729.8 tons
  8. Time Over Primary: 290047K - 290156K
  9. Altitude of Attack: 11,000 - 11,600
  10. Weather Over Target: 8/10 - 10/10
  11. Total A/C Lost: 0 
  12. Resume of Mission: Crews reported good to excellent results.  Photo reconnaissance revealed 57% of the city had been dam- aged, raising the total damage to Date to 71.1%.  Heavy, medium and light caliber flak was meager and inaccurate.  Two E/A sighted did not attack.  Two A/C were non-effective.  Fifty-one A/C bombed visually and 25 bombed by radar.  Twelve A/C acted as pathfinders and 2 additional A/C were A/B as Wind-Run A/C. Pamphlets were dropped on this mission.  Seven B-29s landed at Iwo Jima.  Average bomb load: 19,979 lbs. Average fuel reserve: 686 gallons. 




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